Symptoms of prostate hypertrophy increase with age. This is related to obstruction of the bladder from the enlarging prostate as well as changes in the bladder due to long term back pressure. The mainstay of treatment in the majority of patients is medical therapy, but there are surgical treatment indications.
Over the last 10 years in particular, better drugs e.g. Tranexamic acid, less invasive surgery, and regional anaesthesia have improved the management of pain and improved earlier mobilisation and return to activities, in all Total joint Replacement patients.
Bladder and bowel control problems affect millions of Australians. Bowel management, specifically, is still an underdeveloped area of care across Australia. We are currently working hard to ensure that everyone has easy access to the right level of information and support, to ensure they can be assessed and prescribed the correct treatment for their individual needs. Sacral Nerve Stimulation (SNS) is a Medicare rebated therapy and has been helping people with bladder and bowel problems for well over 20 years, with 84% patient satisfaction. Where successful, the treatment can make significant and sustained improvements in their quality of life.
Posterior Tibial Tendon Insufficiency is the most common cause of adult acquire flatfoot deformity. Recognizing PTTI in its early stages may help prevent progression and allow for successful non-operative management. However, due to the natural history of this condition and often late presentation, surgical intervention is frequently required. Modern surgical techniques are utilized to minimize wound complications, increase fusion rates while providing the patient with a painless, functional foot. Due to the complex nature of the disorder most operative procedures for this condition are required to be individualized on a cases by case basis.

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