Visitors information
At Campbelltown Private Hospital we understand that the presence of patient's friends, families and loved ones is important for their wellbeing and recovery. Please note the following information visitor information.
Last updated 18 May 2023
As the safety of our patients and staff remains our highest priority, we continue to maintain safe protocols on site, including physical distancing and hand hygiene.
Visiting hours are:
All days: 12.00pm to 2.00pm and 6.00pm to 8.00pm
All permitted visitors must:
- Not be waiting for a COVID-19 test result;
- Not have tested positive to COVID-19 within the past 7 days;
- Not have clinical flu like symptoms or COVID-19;
- Not have returned from overseas in the past 7 days.
Please contact the site directly on (02) 4621 9111 for further information on restrictions and times.
Car Parking
Car parking is available in the visitor's car park, which is situated in the basement levels of the hospital and ground level at the rear of the building.
The nearest train station to Campbelltown Private Hospital is located near Macarthur Square and is approximately a 10 minute walk or bus ride.
Regular bus services to the hospital operate from Macarthur Square, Campbelltown Station and Campbelltown Mall.
Timetables and route details are available at reception.
Reception is also able to book or call a taxi for you if required.
Campbelltown Private Hospital is a smoke free environment. We ask that smokers contact their general practitioner for Nicabate patches if required prior to admission.